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H.E. Dr. Hilda C. Heine

President of the Republic of the Marshall Islands

The 10th edition of the Micronesian Games, MAJOL2024, is a momentous occasion for the Republic of the Marshall Islands. Thousands of athletes, both men and women, along with spectators and dignitaries from across the region, will gather to celebrate the spirit of sports and competition.
The Micronesian Games bring together the top athletes from the 10 Micronesian Games Associations, showcasing the region's finest talent. These sub-regional games are designed to motivate and inspire young people to participate in sports, promoting a culture of health and athletic excellence.
Since the launch of the Micro Games preparations in the Marshall Islands, sport has become a strategic focal point for the government, its ministries, and the public and private sectors.  By hosting this event, the Marshall Islands aims to build a lasting legacy that will benefit the community long after the games have concluded. The new and renovated sports facilities will remain, providing ongoing access and opportunities for the people of the communities to enjoy the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and to pursue their athletic aspirations.
The Micronesian Games mark the present and future of Micronesian sports personalities, offering a holistic and sustainable approach to sport development. By creating an enabling environment, especially for youth from disadvantaged backgrounds and neglected communities, these games aim to broaden access and increase participation in sports across the region.  These competitions serve as a vital platform for identifying and nurturing young talent, where character development and high-performance potential are nurtured.
Sport assumes a distinct role in promoting peace, solidarity, and respect, translating these values into tangible actions. Recognizing this, the UN General Assembly underscored the significance of sport in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, highlighting its capacity as an "important enabler" to nurture peace and mutual understanding.
The spirited competition that our athletes, referees, and officials are preparing to deliver during the Games will undoubtedly bring great reward. The sight of our flags flown together will bring a great sense of national and regional pride, as we celebrate the unity and sportsmanship that define the Micronesian spirit.
We are confident that your time in the Marshall Islands will not only strengthen existing relationships but also cultivate closer ties between our nations. We express our sincere gratitude to all Micro Games Associations for their unwavering dedication, investment of time and resources, and the significant efforts made to bring your delegations to join our community for this extraordinary event.


H.E. Anthony Muller

Minister of Natural Resources and Commerce Marshall Islands

President of Marshall Islands National Olympic Committee

We are thrilled to host the 10th Micronesian Games in the Republic of the Marshall Islands. This momentous event is the culmination of years of dedicated effort, beginning with our successful bid in Yap in 2018. The COVID-19 pandemic temporarily halted our forward momentum, unfortunately leading to the postponement of the games. However, we have now raced to the finish line, and we are eagerly anticipating the MAJOL2024 Opening Ceremony on June 15.

We will gather as Micronesians and friends, and what better way to forge even stronger relationships, and celebrate our shared passion and culture of athletic excellence. Our national, local and provincial governments and our diplomatic corp have invested generously in the development of sport facilities and infrastructure, laying the groundwork for this pinnacle of sport as well as an enduring legacy for our schools and communities following the Games.  The citizens of the Marshall Islands have worked tirelessly to host this much-anticipated event, ensuring a level of professionalism, and allowing all participants to not only share in but also contribute to the success of the Micronesian Games.

Sports and athletics have long held the power to unite people, transcending political positions, differences, and beliefs. The Micronesian Games are a celebration of athletes who have dedicated themselves to reaching their goals through discipline, sacrifice, and a commitment to excellence. These competitions serve as a forum for learning perseverance, fair play, and respect for opponents.

For the youth of the Marshall Islands, and indeed across Micronesia, the Micronesian Games offer athletes positive alternatives and healthy outlets to express themselves. Sports promote a sense of community and belonging, as evidenced by the crowds that will gather and the delegations that will travel to participate. Each athlete who represents their country in the 2024 Micronesian Games will feel a deep sense of pride and fulfillment.  Sporting events do not simply impact the youth of today but they are the training grounds for tomorrow’s leaders 
In the Athletes’ Village, where the visiting delegations will live during the Games, we know our values of tolerance and respect will be embodied by athletes from every corner of Micronesia. As International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach states so eloquently, “[The athletes] share their meals, they share their experience and their emotions. They are competitors in sport, but they share their respect for each other in victory and defeat. This is why the athletes are our best ambassadors for our ideals and values. The athletes lead by example. Our fragile world needs such symbols of friendship and tolerance more than ever before.”  
We are delighted to welcome you to the MAJOL2024 Micronesian Games and look forward to celebrating the spirit of sportsmanship, camaraderie, and the pursuit of athletic excellence.  

Kommol tata!


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